Your Trusted Family Dentist in Howell Michigan
Located in Howell, Michigan, Sunrise Family Dental offers dental services to those residing in the surrounding areas of Brighton, Pinckney, Fowlerville, Oak Grove and Hartland, just to name a few.
Our experienced dental team is proud to offer professional services in the areas of preventive cosmetic, and family dentistry. You and your family can look to our dental team to provide routine dental re-care appointments, teeth whitening, preventive resins, periodontal therapy, porcelain crowns, veneers, bridges, root canals, dentures and partials.
See What Our Customers Are Saying
We look forward to seeing your smile.
Request An Appointment
9500 E Highland Rd Ste 7
(1 Mile West of US-23)
Howell, MI 48843
(Driving Directions)
Local: (810) 632-2241
Toll Free: (877) 488-9361
Emergency: (248) 459-5066